Thursday, October 21st, 2021
The conference will be available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
4:00 PM Central Time Welcome
4:20 PM Central Time PLENARY: Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 – Organizing within Communities and Looking to the Future
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6:00 PM Central Time Networking

Friday, October 22nd, 2021
The conference will be available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
9:00 AM Central Time Welcome
9:10 AM Central Time PLENARY: The year of change – Latin America Edition
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11:00 AM Central Time Video Presentation – Advocacy in Action
11:25 AM Central Time Democracy without safety – Discussing strategies for combatting political violence
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The Full and Equal Participation of Trans People in the Democratic Process
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1:30 PM Central Time Workshop: Political advocacy as a form of participation for the defense of human rights
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Saturday, October 23rd, 2021
In collaboration with the Office of the Mayor of Bogotá
The conference will be available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
9:00 AM Central Time Welcome
9:10 AM Central Time Short video presentation – former trainees from around the world.
9:20 AM Central Time Plenary: Lessons learned from local governments during the COVID 19 pandemic
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11:00 AM Central Time Workshop – Best Practices for Creating LGBTI Inclusive Policies
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Developing a diagnostic tool for Political Parties on LGBTI matters
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Visibility strategy, public speaking and political communication
(Only available in Spanish)
Preventive security against harassment and violation of human rights
(Only available in Spanish)
12:55 PM Central Time PLENARY: Reenvisioning democracy to safeguard equality
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The conference will be available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
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The conference will be available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
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In collaboration with the Office of the Mayor of Bogotá
The conference will be available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
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(Only available in Spanish)
(Only available in Spanish)
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PLENARY: Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 - Organizing within Communities and Looking to the Future
“We are all in the same ocean, but not on the same boat.” Though the public message to many was that the pandemic affected all people indiscriminately, the reality is COVID-19 increased and made more apparent the inequalities already present for vulnerable groups. During this plenary, we will discuss the resistance efforts and solidarity movements created in response to the pandemic and discuss how to build a unified front that can prevent those most at risk from bearing the brunt of future crises.
We will highlight how the best practices and lessons that community leaders learned from the HIV/AIDS epidemic were diploid and adapted to the mutual aid and response work for COVID-19, and how these organizing efforts cultivated solidarity networks engaging in social actions and in politics.
Alícia Krüger
Dr (PharmD), Brazil
Franco Fuica
Profesor, Chile
Kenita Placide
Executive Directive, Saint Lucia
Salma Luevano Luna
PLENARY: The year of change - Latin America Edition
In the last year, social movements and upheaval have shaken the core of Latin America and the world. La Marea Verde (Green Tide) in Argentina, El Grito Social (Social Outcry) in Chile and La Marea Morada (Purple Tide) in Mexico — along with the reemergence of social unrest in Colombia and Brazil and the fight against police brutality in the U.S. — have inspired millions of people around the world to participate in protests and collective actions. Public demonstration has become a legitimate method for promoting resistance efforts, building public agendas, and reaching consensus to counter the failings that occur when democracy is abused. In this plenary, we will share the lessons that these social movements have taught us regarding the fight against femicide, organized movements for constitutional changes and reproductive justice, combating police brutality, and how we can continue to strive for liberation that’s intersectional.
Jeniffer Mella Escobar
Lawyer, Chile
M Género y Derecho. Políticas Públicas contra la desigualdad, Mexico
Luis Carlos Leal Angarita
Médico, Colombia
Victor Madrigal-Borloz
UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Costa Rica
Democracy without safety - Discussing strategies for combatting political violence
Violence is the largest obstacle to political participation for LGBTQ people around the globe. Reducing that violence can open pathways for political participation and can be the start of addressing systemic prejudice and inequities for marginalized people within democratic systems. In this session, panelists will share their experience with political violence and how they build networks of solidarity and safety. For many people, political participation is not an option, but a necessity. As such, we will use this space to discuss best practices in the fight for safe and equal political participation.
Alberto de Belaunde
Master, Perú
Alejandra Menjívar Guadrón
Internacionalista, El Salvador
Javier Estrada Tobar
Licenciado, Guatemala
Robeyoncé Lima
Local congresswoman, Brasil
The Full and Equal Participation of Trans People in the Democratic Process
México, Perú and Colombia have established protocols meant to ensure transgender people have equal access to the polls and other electoral processes. This includes seeking trans perspectives regarding security measures and establishing requirements for political parties to increase transgender participation within their ranks. During this session, panelists will share their experiences and the context for securing these protocols and explain the role activists and institutions played in the process. The panelists will also discuss what comes after the protocol, and what is needed to truly guarantee the participation of trans people in politics.
Luisa Rebeca Garza Lopez
Maestra, Mexico
Marlon David Pabón Castro
Abogado, Colombia
Tomás Javier Anzola Rodríguez
Coordinador de Incidencia Política del GAAT, Colombia
Workshop 101: Political advocacy as a form of participation for the defense of human rights
(Only available in Spanish)
In the last decade, Latin America and the Caribbean has witnessed important advances regarding the rights of LGTBI people, however the response of opposition groups and the pandemic have slowed down these advances and have even generated setbacks. Faced with this scenario, it becomes more relevant than ever that we join with other stakeholders in the fight for equality and that we act in an organized, articulated and effective manner.
For this, the workshop “Political advocacy as a form of participation for the defense of human rights”, aims to provide knowledge and work tools that allow the development of effective planning practices and the definition of advocacy strategies that allow taking advantage of the different mechanisms of advocacy. democratic participation.
Pilar Rojas Salas
Magister en Políticas Públicas Comparadas, Perú
Plenary: Lessons learned from local governments during the COVID 19 pandemic
In most countries, local governments played a pivotal role in responding to the political and urban challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Their role is often twofold: acting as implementing vehicles for measures established at the national level, but also creating comprehensive and innovative local solutions that are tailored to residents. In this session, panelists will exchange international and regional experiences and learn about governance and democracy during the pandemic from local government leaders. They will highlight best practices local governments implemented to address disparities for LGBTI people regarding access to health services (medicines, care and services related to HIV), housing, employment, income, human mobility conditions, lack of legal recognition of their gender identity, among other issues.
Cássio Rodrigo de Oliveira Silva
Coordinador de Políticas Públicas LGBTI de São Paulo, Brasil
David Alonzo
Director de Diversidad en la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, Colombia
Ivan Chanis Barahona
Lawyer, Panamá
María Rachid
Professor, Argentina
Michelle Vargas Lobo
Estudiante de Licenciatura en Enfermería, Argentina
Sergio Miranda
Director de la Secretaría de Diversidad de la Intendencia de Montevideo, Uruguay
Workshop 101 - Best Practices for Creating LGBTI Inclusive Policies
(Only available in Spanish)
Citizen participation in the policy-making process is critical to ensuring the needs and concerns of society are properly addressed. Leaders of this workshop will use LGBTI-inclusive policies in Bogota as an example of how best to engage civil society and government for positive change.
Lessons learned from the different phases of the LGBTI public policy of Bogotá will be shared to serve as a guide for the creation of other policies. Likewise, strategic elements will be provided and serve both members of civil society and members of government agencies to influence agenda setting and the formulation of policy. Lastly, we will take a look at the strengths and challenges of creating LGBTIQ inclusive public policies.
Teams of the Directorates of Sexual Diversity and Sector Policies of the District Planning Secretariat
Equipo profesional interdisciplinario, Colombia
PLENARY: Reenvisioning democracy to safeguard equality
The last few years brought tremendous challenges, old and new, for the LGBTI movement in the Americas and around the world. During this plenary – as a closing conversation to three days of powerful, honest, and vulnerable exchanges with prominent LGBTI leaders – we will discuss how to redefine and adapt our journey towards liberation through democracy building in the current socio-political context of the continent.
LGBTI communities continue to endure overwhelming violence, coordinated and well-resourced attacks from anti-LGBTI rights groups, and discrimination and hate speech at every turn. Panelists will discuss these tools for repression and efforts to erode rights and protections for LGBTI people in Latin America. They will discuss the current political landscape and help LGBTI leaders redefine and recommit to a more comprehensive version of democracy — one where we truly demand equality.
Andrea Jenkins
City Council Vice President, United States
Enrique Torre Molina
Activista y consultor de comunidad LGBTQ+, Mexico
Esteban Paulon
Licenciado, Argentina
Ludwika Vega Espinoza
Lic. Mercadotecnia, Nicaragua
Developing a diagnostic tool for Political Parties on LGBTI matters
Are you a member of a political party and you would like to increase the number of LGBTI members? Are you part of a NGO and you would like to support political parties to open up for more LGBTI people’s participation? This workshop would provide a step-by-step description on how to assess LGBTI participation in political parties, using a soon-to-be published guide drafted by Victory Institute and the National Democratic Institute.
Julie Lemieux
Major, City of Très-Saint-Rédempteur, Canada
Juan Carlos Prieto
Sexual Diversity Director, Mayor of Bogota, Colombia
Cristopher Cabaldon
Mayor, City of West Sacramento, United States of America
Rênya Medeiros
Mayor, City of Passira, Brazil
Julián Bedoya
Mayor, City of Toro, Colombia
Queer, black, and proud: making institutions listen
From Brazil, the United States, and Colombia, Afro-decedents across the Americas are reclaiming respect and social and economic equality in more concrete and meaningful ways. Many newly elected officials are of Afro-decent as well as openly LGBTI which increases the strength of the fight for greater equality among both communities. Elected officials of color who also identify as openly LGBTI from across the continent will discuss the struggles within both communities and the strength of political representation as a tool to achieve equality.
Mónica Bothner, Project Officer, FRI, Norway
Leslie Herod
State Representative, Colorado General Assembly, United States of America
Tatiana Rentería
Vocal, Parish Council of Borbon, Ecuador
Narciso Torres
Organization CNOA, Colombia
Health as a right and its inclusion in the agenda of LGBTI organizations
Promoting the inclusion of the Right to Health is a priority on the agenda of LGBTI organizations and sub-national governments. During the session the Right to Health and Universal Health Coverage in the LGBTI population will be addressed through successful experiences of organizations working with people living with HIV, gender identity and access to health services and paper of local governments in guaranteeing the right to health of the LGBTI population.
Paul Bonilla, The Global Fund
Alfredo Mejía
Plataforma Comunidad, Derechos, y Genero de América Latina y el Caribe, Colombia
Miguel Ángel Barriga
Red Somos, Colombia
Laura Weinstein
GAAT, Colombia
Dayana Hernandez
Candidate and Trans Leader, Costa Rica
Renae Green
Activist, Jamaica
Vivían Cuello
Researcher, Caribe Afirmativo, Colombia
Marcial Ortega
Directorate of Sexual Diversity, Colombia
The democratic crisis in Nicaragua
Fed up with the shortage and lack of freedom, a year ago Nicaraguan citizens took to the streets to protest the reforms that the government of Daniel Ortega was carrying out. A year later and after a brutal repression that has created a great migratory crisis in the neighboring countries, the situation has stagnated and there is no sign of a speedy recovery of democracy in the country. Student and civil society leaders will talk on the panel about strategies to recover democracy.
Grunde Almeland, Parliamentarian of Norway
Víctor Agustín Cuadras
Student Leader, Nicaragua
Ana Quirós
Feminist Activist and Human Rights Defender, Nicaragua/Costa Rica
Ludwika Vega Espinoza
President, Asociación Nicaragüense de Personas Transgénero, Nicaragua
The democratic crisis in Venezuela
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been mired in a political, economic, and social crisis since the beginning of 2013 that has led to a humanitarian crisis at the continental level. The legitimacy of the Venezuelan government is in question and the country has become the setting of a broader global geopolitical struggle. This panel will address the strategies for the recovery of democracy in the country and the conflicts place on the global stage as a greater dispute of power between several world powers.
Francisco Herrero, Instituto Nacional Demócrata
Tamara Adrián
Member fo the National Assembly, National Assembly of Venezuela, Venezuela
Quiteria Franco
Director, Unión Afirmativa, Venezuela
Luis Meneses
President, Fundación Venezolana de Apoyo a la Diversidad Sexual, Colombia
Meeting the needs of refugees and migrants in the region
The asylym request, forced displacement and migration for economic reasons are a constant reality in the America. While migration has become a smoke screen to not talk about economic inequality and corruption, migrants continue to suffer economic exclusion, abuse, poverty, and discrimination in their host countries. This panel of experts will address the principal needs of the migrant and refugee populations and the ways in which host countries can implement in a continental context which is growing more polarized due to a nationalistic discourse.
Kenita Placide, OutRight
Juan Archila
Director, Fundación Censurados, Colombia.
Gloria Careaga
Director, Fundación Arcoíris, México
Ricardo Lara
Insurance Commissioner, California Department of Insurance, United States of America
Carlos Romero
Director, Mesa de Diversidad Sexual, Guatemala
Working with allied politicians in Central America
Despite some advances in the field of public policies, LGBTI persons still do not enjoy legal equality in Central America. Therefore, alliances between political entities and the LGTBI movement that work both in the creation of policies and laws that guarantee the rights of LGBTI people, and in the implementation of existing policies are necessary. Allied political figures will talk about the usefulness of these alliances and the most favorable strategies to move towards equality.
Diego Nardi, ACNUR
Cinthia Bonilla
Genre and International Cooperation Technical Specialist, Presidency, Honduras
Iván Chanis
President, Fundación Iguales, Panamá
Josué Godoy
Congressman, Legislative Assembly of El Salvador
The conference will have a total duration of 3 days, from July 20 to 22, 2023.
The conference begins with an opening plenary and will be divided into 3 parallel spaces called Summits. On July 21st and 22nd we will have a joint agenda, available to elected officials, activists and public officials; It will be divided into three types of sessions:
Invitation to all the people attending the conference. These sessions will be open to the public and will occur one session at a time.
Panel Sessions
Panel sessions occur concurrently with workshops and are offered three at a time.
Subject to availability. The workshops will be practical and interactive sessions for the development of skills of the people who attend. The translation will be available according to the possibilities offered by the format of each workshop.
[Plenary] Betting on democracies bursting with color
The conditions faced by LGBTIQ+ people in situations of vulnerability throughout the continent have become evident and worsened in recent years with the pandemic, environmental disasters, and attacks on democracy. As a result of these situations, the number of LGBTIQ+ people at risk of falling into food, economic and/or housing insecurity continues to increase. This undeniable reality makes all the more apparent the need to reimagine the fight for democracy as an intersectional fight explicitly against violence, state/police repression, and racism in order to leave no one behind.
Join us in this conversation about the commitments and responsibilities that we must assume as civil society, candidates, elected officials, political parties and as individuals so as not to reproduce exclusive systems and create a shared vision of democracies free of inequality.
Mayor Anisse Parker (United States) | Iván Tagle (México) – Director General de Yaaj México | Jessica Sterm, Oradora (USA) – State Department US, Visión Agenda Internacional | Salma Luévano, Oradora (México) – Diputada Federal México | Genaro Lozano, Moderador (México) | Patria Jimenez, Panelista (México) – Primera Diputada Federal abiertamente lesbiana de México
Summit – Stories of resistance, resilience and collectivity from Mexico: The best practices of our struggle – Access by invitation
In this space, LGBT activists from Mexico will undertake the task of sharing their best practices and experiences that they have used to advance the LGBTIQ+ agenda in the country. Representatives of the most prominent organizations will participate in this exchange to strengthen their perspectives and strategies in promoting and defending the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community from their different trenches. After the exercise, the findings will be made known in a systematic way, through the generation of an instrument that will be socialized with all the people participating in the conference and that will also be launched through social networks as an original and collective publication as a result of this 6th conference of LGBTI Political Leadership of the Americas and the Caribbean.
Summit – Combating Hate Speech
The phenomenon of hate speech and anti-LGBTI rights, although they are one more expression of existing discrimination, are also a reaction of ultra-conservative and anti- rights sectors to the possibility of a social change in favor of the recognition of rights and respect for sexual and gender diversities. What is visible in this type of discourse is particularly dangerous, since it helps to normalize and legitimize discrimination, which worsens the conditions for social coexistence of LGBTI people. This space will provide us with tools to learn about their particularities, the contexts in which they are developed, and the media they use, and will help to better deal with them and reduce their effectiveness.
Summit – Strengthening Space for Elected Officials – Access by invitation
In this space, the openly LGBTQI elected officials of the region who will meet in Mexico City will be able to exchange ideas and experiences in a safe space. Panels and relevant workshops will be included for the development of capacities and performance of people occupying elected public offices.
The focus of the agenda for the 21st is “Contextualizing LGBTI Intersectionality” and covers the following topics in the indicated format.
Wendy Briceño, Panelista (México) | Andrés Cancimance, Panelista (Colombia) | Daiana Santos, Panelista (Brasil) MUJAR LESBICA NEGRA ELECTA DEPUTADA FEDERAL POR EL RIO GRANDE DE SUR
[Plenary] Political contexts of inequality and intersectionality
The commitment to political participation as an indispensable vehicle of democracy cannot be thought of without the occupation of our identities and experiences in the spaces from which we have been historically excluded. But how to occupy those spaces that are created just to keep us on the sidelines? Join us in this conversation with leaders from different social movements, to explore how the identities that cross us also unite us in front of a common objective: equity. We will analyze how we can collaborate from our realities without falling into tokenism and the trivialization of our identities? And how do we break down together the barriers that seek to make it impossible for us without leaving aside our individualities?
[Plenary] Promoting trans leadership in the creation of participation agendas
The political and civil rights of people with trans life experiences extend beyond the change of the sex/gender component in identity documents to exercise the right to vote. In this conversation with trans and non-binary leaders, we will talk about making barriers and obstacles to trans representation and participation invisible, as well as the need to redistribute power in the creation of agendas that prioritize eliminating the barriers with the greatest impact, such as the lack of right to health, education, decent work, etc.
Grecia O’hara, Moderadora (Honduras) | Galilea Monroy, Panelista (Guatemala) | Santiago Balvin, Panelista (Perú)
[Panel Session] Regional mapping of the status of LGBTQ participation in recent elections
The electoral processes in several of the countries in the region meant complex processes of polarization and fragmentation in which the candidacies and the agendas of sexual and gender diversities must try to survive. Recent processes such as those in Colombia, Brazil and the United States show discontent with the political class, but have also allowed more LGBTI people to be elected to political positions, carrying flags of intersectionality and inclusion, but also reflecting alliances with political sectors that even limit the rights of LGBTI people. This table will allow to analyze in a regional mapping, the situation that places the current political participation of LGBTI people, in a complex region like America and the Caribbean.
[Panel Session] Painting colorful routes towards LGBTIQ+ participation
The struggle and activism of different leaders around the world has made a historic difference, since the last year has meant a true revolution for the political and citizen participation of our communities with the largest number of LGBTIQ+ people in spaces of popular representation. This session will allow us to reflect on the advances and strategies used by activists inside and outside electoral institutions and political parties that guarantee greater inclusion in the political process, such as the creation of feminist benches in Brazil, implementation of parity requirements and inclusive gender alternation in Peru. and Colombia, and LGBTIQ+ quotas in Mexico.
[Panel Session] Trans innovations to transform vulnerabilities into political power
When transgender people run for office, they face a number of specific challenges that begin during the campaign and don’t end when they are elected.In addition to the common challenges of any political campaign, trans people have to fight against the transphobia that comes with a lack of education, demonstrate that they are really capable of occupying spaces of power and decision-making, deal with physical and psychological violence, combat fake news and dialogue with parliamentarians who deny its very existence. Even with so many obstacles, with each election, more trans people win their campaigns, are elected to elected office, and develop innovations that propose a new way of doing politics.
In this conversation we will learn about electoral success trajectories that redefined what is trans, transforming what was prejudice into political power, in addition to discussing the different political marketing strategies used to develop trans-centered mandates and with intersectional agendas.
[Panel Session] Protecting the trans vote in Latin America and the Caribbean
People with trans life experiences have historically faced different forms of political violence, especially since many of the American States do not know their gender identity, affecting the exercise of their electoral rights. Collectives and trans organizations have documented these experiences through electoral observatories and these efforts have led to the creation of protocols for the trans vote in Mexico, Peru and Colombia.
The Trans Vote Observatory in Latin America and the Caribbean invites you to a conversation about observation experiences and strategies, protocol creation processes, and next steps in the creation of a regional strategy that guarantees the right to vote for trans and non-binary people.
The Trans Vote Observatory is a collaborative and plural initiative of independent organizations that collects, processes and disseminates updated information related to the monitoring and promotion of political and electoral rights of Trans people in Latin America and the Caribbean, welcoming good practices for the full exercise of those rights.
[Panel session] Regional cooperation based on the experience of the Mérida declaration – Access by invitation
The Mérida Declaration was approved within the framework of the LGBTI International Cooperation Congress developed by the Triangulo Foundation and the Extremeña Cooperation Agency in 2017, in Extremadura, Spain. To this day, it has been supported by multiple institutions and regional governments and the state government itself in our country.
Promotes the involvement of agencies and institutions in the inclusion of LGBTI diversity in their international cooperation plans, based on the commitment to the recognition of the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersex as human rights, as well as reporting to those countries that continue to criminalize these populations, urging the repeal of all regulations in this regard, with special emphasis on death sentences and imprisonment, and the prohibition of the right of association of LGBTI people.
Currently, almost 80 countries consider it illegal even to be transsexual or to love a person of the same sex, punishing it too much even with the death penalty.
The Declaration of Mérida is and must be an instrument of political, institutional and social incidence, and from Fundación Triángulo we want to promote its dissemination, support and development in this sense, beyond our country, as well as use it to promote the development of new ways of action and international cooperation that allow us to advance in those countries where development cooperation has difficult access due to the legal and political hostility that still persists in them towards sexual and gender diversity.
[Workshop] Trans Leadership Congress: Towards a Transformative Network
Trans leaders from the region gather in this inaugural Congress to map the valuable knowledge acquired throughout decades of political activism, with the aim of strengthening networks that drive our agendas. Through interactive exercises, we will discuss our collective expectations to empower trans leadership within the LGBTQI+ political movement.
The Congress concludes with the Trans Leadership Lunch, where we will pause to reflect on the emerging issues and challenges present in our own communities. This space provides us with the opportunity to recognize and address the issues that we must confront, with the goal of strengthening the paths that unite us.
The inaugural Trans Leadership Congress and Trans Leadership Lunch were conceived and organized by trans individuals with lived experiences from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Peru, United States, and Chile. This space is exclusively intended for individuals with trans experiences.
[Workshop] Applying concepts of LGBTI intersectionality
An intersectional look allows us to resist the oppression of exclusion systems and develop tools to confront them, as it helps us understand and analyze the multiple forms of discrimination and their struggles to combat them. This workshop will allow us to apply an analysis under an intersectional look of our agendas, initiatives and projects; which will allow us to strengthen ourselves as leaders. This space will allow the exchange of good practices using as an example the development of historical memory projects that rescue our struggles from a transversal perspective and an intersectional perspective.
The focus of the last day of the conference, July 22, is “Transforming Political Participation from LGBTI Perspectives.” We will close the conference with the following topics in the indicated format
[Plenary] Anticipating what awaits us in the next 2 years
Managing change to guarantee the human rights of our community requires serious discussions that allow us to reflect on the advances, challenges and problems that we face in all our diversity. The last few years have represented new and persistent challenges for democracy and LGBTI people in the Americas and the world.
This conference, which allows international leaders to gather, gives us the opportunity to generate a mapping and memory of what has been lived and the possibility of anticipating a specific response to the challenges that are visualized in the coming years. In this session we will hear directly from leaders throughout the region about the issues that impact them such as new pandemics, access to and supply of medicines, security, migration, and movements that seek to undermine our rights.
Andrés Treviño, Panelista (México) | Jeniffer Mella Escobar, Panelista (Chile)
[Plenary] How LGBTI Participation Transforms Politics
Eighty years ago, inclusive political participation processes cried out: without black people this democracy is racist; Sixty years ago, it was promulgated in the streets: democracy without women is incomplete and today, in this crisis of representation, in the face of the collapse of the political class and the fatigue caused by clientelism and corruption that have thrown democracy into disarray, she shouts: we must change the way of doing politics, with new actors and among them, LGBTIQ+ people and especially women and those with experience of trans life. Without LGBTIQ+ people in spaces of power, we will not be able to have the just society that we demand. Reaching the world we envision is within our power as a collective. In this conversation we explore 4 stages that have marked great advances in the LGBTIQ+ movement and about what is required of us to be able to continue transforming politics into a space of us for us/that represents us.
Willson Castañeda, Moderadore (Colombia)